Cron jobs to clean up old logs

Filed under: TechNotes — lars @ 11:55:15 pm

I've often found that I want to be able to periodically delete files older than a certain age from a given directory, so that disks don't slowly fill up with logs or other temporary data.  The approach I've used to do this under Linux is a little shell scripting, something like the following:

find /path/to/logs -type f -mtime +28 | xargs --delimiter=\\n rm 

This will look for files (-type f) in the directory /path/to/logs that are older than 28 days (-mtime +28), and then execute the command 'rm' passing each file as an argument.

You can substitute any command for 'rm', for example another script/command that will gzip your logs and move them to an archive directory:

find /path/to/logs/ -type f -mtime +28 | xargs --delimiter=\\n /home/build/ 

Note that the above will call once with an argument for each result of find (so would need to iterate through these arguments).  If instead you want to call once for each result of find, you can use find's -exec option:

find /path/to/logs/ -type f -mtime +28 --exec /home/build/ {} \;

Another variation is as follows:

find /path/to/logs -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +28 | xargs --delimiter=\\n rm

This searches for directories (-type d) 1 level under /path/to/logs instead of files.

Then it's just a matter of scheduling command as a cron job to run every day/week/month.  I'm not going to explain that here, you can read about it on wikipedia if you want.


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