Restoring your FireFox Scrapbook index file

Filed under: TechNotes, Data Recovery — lars @ 06:54:58 am

Recently my Firefox Scrapbook items seemed to disappear, which was quite alarming. I suspect filesystem troubles caused by sharing the same Scrapbook between Windows and Linux on my dual-boot laptop, using the then beta version of the ntfs-3g drivers. It seems the index file (scrapbook.rdf) had been lost. My scrapbook data was still there, but all the categorisation and metadata stored in the index file was lost.

But fortunately, it seems the author of the Scrapbook extension had some foresight. In my Scrapbook folder/directory, I found a directory called "backup" that contained a bunch of files that look like this:

-rwxrwx---    1 1000     1000       200480 Mar 14 21:07 scrapbook_20070314.rdf
-rwxrwx--- 1 1000 1000 200480 Mar 15 20:53 scrapbook_20070315.rdf
-rwxrwx--- 1 1000 1000 201037 Mar 16 14:00 scrapbook_20070316.rdf
-rwxrwx--- 1 1000 1000 208 Mar 17 17:22 scrapbook_20070317.rdf

These RDF files are seemingly automatically created backups of the XML representing the index of your Scrapbook. Just pick the most recent (large) version and replace the scrapbook.rdf file in your Scrapbook directory, and you're back in business.


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