JDOMParseException with CruiseControl and Subversion

Filed under: CruiseControl — lars @ 03:50:07 am
I had some problems recently with a CruiseControl automated-build box I was setting up. Every time CruiseControl attempted to get a list of recent modifications from SVN, I got the following Exception:org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 3:… more »

CruiseControl junitreport OutOfMemory errors

Filed under: CruiseControl — lars @ 12:17:52 pm
Today we had a problem where our CruiseControl build was getting OutOfMemory exceptions when running the junitreport target. This is apparently pretty common as this target often has to perform XSLT transforms on large quantities of log. I found there… more »

CruiseControl setup under RedHat Enterprise Linux 4

Filed under: CruiseControl — lars @ 05:18:52 pm
I had to go through the process of setting up CruiseControl for a new project this week. It happened like this: Create a cruisecontrol user useradd -s/bin/bash -d/home/cruisecontrol cruisecontrol Created /opt/Thoughtworks directory, u… more »

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