IBM JSF - Random thoughts, guidelines and recommendations

Filed under: Development, WebSphere Portal — lars @ 04:03:25 am
Wrapping up my first WebSphere Portal project using the JSF implementation IBM have bundled with RAD 7.0 has left me with a bunch of random guidelines and recommendations for working with this version of JSF: Getter/Setter methods on a JSF managed bean… more »

Character Encoding problem with IBM's JSF and Ajax

Filed under: Development, WebSphere Portal, Ajax — lars @ 04:26:23 am
I came across an irritating bug today - one to add to my list of gripes about IBM's JSF framework. All of our application's form submissions that were performed via hx:ajaxRefreshSubmit and conatained a "£" (British currency symbol)… more »

RAD 7.0 "Archive is not a valid WAR" error

Filed under: Development, JSR168 Portals, WebSphere Portal — lars @ 11:42:31 am
I've had occasional errors over the years, in both IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) 6.0 and 7.0, where a Portal WAR project in your workspace refuses to deploy to the portal test environment. Cleaning/refreshing projects, bouncing the porta… more »

Binding to the BODY onLoad event in a portlet

Filed under: Development, JSR168 Portals, Javascript — lars @ 11:37:54 am
One of the hassles that many developers come across when developing Javascript for their portlets is the lack of access to the BODY onLoad event. You can't simply override this using javascript as this might break functionality in the portal theme,… more »

Cleaning up deleted resources in WebSphere Portal v6.0

Filed under: Development, JSR168 Portals, WebSphere Portal — lars @ 02:01:01 pm
Working with XmlAccess today I encountered of a DuplicateKeyException (see below), refering to a database constraint PAGE_INST(OID). My colleague had previously deleted some pages manually on the portal.<message id="EJPDB0099E">… more »

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