Getting Google Desktop to index Outlook's Deleted Items folder

Filed under: TechNotes, VB Script — lars @ 11:00:40 am

I've recently discovered the joys of running Google Desktop on my machine, primarily as a really fast way to search all my emails in Outlook.  But there's one issue I've had that nobody seems to have an answer for - Google Desktop will not index the 'Deleted Items' folder in Outlook.  You can configure it to hold items in the search index even after they've been deleted, but that's not the same.  If you receive an email and delete it or move it to 'Deleted Items' before Google Desktop has a chance to index it, it will never appear in your search results.

So I took it upon myself to devise a solution to this.  This soution was developed under Windows XP with Outlook 2000 (Yes, some big corporates still run this!).  It basically involves creating a new folder called 'Archived Deleted Items' and ensure that any mail you delete will go here rather than the default 'Deleted Items' folder.  Google Desktop will see this just as any normal Outlook folder and will index it.

  1. Create a folder called "Deleted Items Archived" as a subfolder of "Inbox".
  2. Create a text file called archiveDeletedMail.bat with the following contents:
    cscript archiveDeletedMail.vbs
  3. Create a text file called archiveDeletedMail.vbs with the below contents.  This VB Script will basically attach to your existing authenticated Outlook session and, every few minutes, move all mail from "Deleted Items" to "Deleted Items Archived":
    Set out = WScript.StdOut

    while true

    Set mapiSession = WScript.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")

    'Piggyback on current MAPI Session (requires Outlook to be running)
    mapiSession.Logon "", "", False, False, 0, False ', ServerName & vbLf & UserName

    '4 = DeletedItems, 1 = Inbox
    Set folderInbox = mapiSession.GetDefaultFolder(1)
    Set folderDeletedItems = mapiSession.GetDefaultFolder(4)

    'Get "Deleted Items Archived" folder
    If Not folderInbox.Folders Is Nothing Then 'there are child folders
    Set inboxSubfolders = folderInbox.Folders
    Set objOneSubfolder = inboxSubfolders.GetFirst
    While Not objOneSubfolder Is Nothing ' loop through all children
    If objOneSubfolder.Name = "Deleted Items Archived" then
    Set folderDeletedItemsArchived = objOneSubfolder
    Set objOneSubfolder = Nothing
    Set objOneSubfolder = inboxSubfolders.GetNext
    End If
    End If

    'Now we have Deleted Items and Deleted Items Archive.
    'So we move messages from one to the other.
    If Not folderDeletedItems.Messages Is Nothing Then 'there are messages
    Set deletedMessages = folderDeletedItems.Messages
    Set objOneDeletedMessage = deletedMessages.GetFirst
    While Not objOneDeletedMessage Is Nothing ' loop through all children
    out.write(now() & " - Moving Message: """ & objOneDeletedMessage.Subject & _
    """ to Folder: " & folderDeletedItemsArchived.Name & vbCRLF)
    Set objOneDeletedMessage = deletedMessages.GetNext
    End If

    'Clean up
    set folderInbox = Nothing
    set folderDeletedItems = Nothing
    set inboxSubfolders = Nothing
    set objOneSubfolder = Nothing
    set folderDeletedItemsArchived = Nothing
    set objOneDeletedMessage = Nothing
    set deletedMessages = Nothing
    set inboxSubfolders = Nothing

    Set mapiSession = Nothing

    'Wait for next execution

  4. Whenever you run Outlook, run archiveDeletedMail.bat afterwards.

Unfortunately, the console window from this script will always stay open, but to me this is much less of an inconvenience than not having my Deleted Items folder indexed!

Update: Oh, if you really don't want to see the console window from this script always staying open (and you work in a corporate that doesn't disable Windows Task Scheduler in it's SOE!) you could probably remove the"while" and "wend" lines from the above script and configure it as a scheduled task to run (minimised) every X minutes.


  • Corne
    Hi, the script works on Office 2003. Only thing is, my reminders keeps popping up (i think they are calendar reminders of past items) and this is quite annoying. Also, can one not make this script part of the internal Vb module and assign a clickable button (just like a macro) from within Outlook. In this way I won't have to run the bat file manually every time, but simply click on the button when needed?

    Comment by Corne [Visitor] — 11/14/11 @ 17:24

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