Filed under: Development — lars @ 03:46:05 am

I've started a new role where we use JIRA as our bug tracking tool. After spending a couple of years working with HP Quality Center, I really like how much more developer-centric this product is.

One cool thing is that search filters in JIRA are accessible as RSS feeds:

Screenshot showing link to RSS feed in JIRA

By subscribing to these RSS feeds with FireFox Live Bookmarks , this gives me a really fast and convenient window in to what tasks are currently assigned to members of my team - for example:

Screenshot of FireFox Live Bookmarks displaying JIRA tasks

The only hurdle to achieving this is that the JIRA RSS feeds are only available to authenticated JIRA users. Firefox (quite rightly) doesn't send any session cookies in it's HTTP requests for Live Bookmarks. The only work-around I have for now is to modify the URL for the RSS feed before I subscribe to it using Live Bookmarks.  By adding a username and password to the end of this URL, JIRA will authenticate your request.  The parameters that need to be added to the URL are as follows: &os_username=me&os_password=mypwd

Enough playing... Now I'd better go do some real work!


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